1. The Membership Experience
  2. The Membership Experience

Will The Membership Experience™ work for B to B businesses?

Learn if the Membership Experience Course by Stu McLaren will work for you if you offer services from your Business for other Businesses.

Now more than ever, people who serve Business to Business are not only looking for membership program options to serve, but the delivery of virtual service has become imperative to their ability to pivot and survive in these quickly shifting times.

From software as a service, to coaching and training programs, the membership model is rapidly becoming the differentiating factor between businesses that survive and thrive and those that struggle and fail especially as more and more businesses are creating options for their employees to work from home.

Membership models simply make sense for your business and your clients. You get the benefit of consistent recurring income in your business, and your clients get the benefit of continuing to enjoy all the products and services that you offer that improve their business practices.

In fact, our very own student, Aarin Chung, built an amazing membership supporting Real Estate Agents by teaching them how to generate leads online. Since she joined us in 2018, her business has grown from $0.00 to $100k per month in recurring revenue.

Now do you see the value of pivoting your business to the membership model? 

Can you serve your team and clients on a monthly basis?

Then, you can turn it into a membership.

Make sure to join the waitlist for the next Membership Workshop so you don’t miss your chance. It’s the best opportunity we offer to help you get clarity on this question.

Go to: https://membershipworkshop.com/  to join the waitlist now!

You can email our support team any time at help@membership.site and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!