Why is the training program changed to The Membership Experience?

The Membership Experience was previously known as TRIBE and here's why it was changed.

The decision to change the name of our training program from “The TRIBE Experience” to “The Membership Experience is something that we have had many thoughtful conversations about over the years.  

Previously we felt that our interpretation of the word “TRIBE” was and remains tremendously positive. Our focus in using the word was that it brought people together, instead of dividing them.  But with all that said, we’ve heard from a handful of people that the word “TRIBE” is the one thing that holds them back from joining us.  

We know what Stu teaches changes peoples lives.

We see it every year and for us, a word is not worth a single person opting not to invest in themselves and so, it’s an easy change to the title of Stu’s primary training program to “The Membership Experience.”

The reality is, what we offer in training changes people’s lives and we want to do our part wherever possible to remove any barrier that would prevent someone from joining us. We are and will remain an inclusive community that’s welcoming to anyone who wants to learn to build, grow and scale a membership business.  

We’d love to hear from you about how you feel, and hope you’ll join us in building your membership because we know Memberships change the lives of not only the business owner but the community they serve.

There’s not a word worth getting in anyone’s way of that kind of positive transformation, and that’s what we’re all about.   

If you have any further concerns or questions and would like to contact our team directly, you can email us at help@membership.site