1. The Membership Experience
  2. The Membership Experience

Who is Stu McLaren?

Get to know Stu McLaren in the article below.

For more than a decade, Stu McLaren has been working intimately with tens of thousands of authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and business owners to transform what they know, love and do into recurring revenue by launching, growing and scaling 6, 7 and 8-figure membership businesses.  

As the former co-founder of the world’s leading membership platform for WordPress, WishList Member, and now co-founder of the The Membership Experience, Stu has had a unique behind-the-scenes perspective of what works in membership and subscription markets - and he’s been doing it in virtually every market you can think of. From photography and calligraphy to dog training, fitness, music, health, meal plans, teacher plans, non-profit, personal development, business development and so many more!  And through it all, Stu has discovered the subtle nuances that make a BIG difference in the success of the sites that thrive year over year versus those that struggle and stall.  

Deeply integrated into his work, Stu and his wife, Amy, launched a registered Canadian charity called Village Impact. Since 2009, they have been bringing schools and education to rural villages throughout Kenya.  

One of the core beliefs that Stu holds dear to his heart is that “the more money we make, the more impact we can have.” This is why he is so passionate about memberships and recurring revenue… because they serve as the vehicle for more revenue in the business, and therefore more impact in this world.  

So let me ask you…  Are you ready to add some Stu to all you do?  

Make sure to join the waitlist for the next Membership Workshop so you don’t miss your chance.

Join the waitlist now!

For more questions and additional information, you can email our support team any time at help@membership.site and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!