This article provides the information you need about our company's harmonized sales tax number (HST).
As a company, we do not collect sales taxes in addition to our sale price. We pay them separately as an expense.
For your reference, the following are the HST numbers:
The HST number for North Results is 73602 7327.
The HST number for Searchie is 76759 3478 RT0001.
North Results is the parent company which owns our training programs inclusive of:
- Mastering Your Market
- The Membership Experience Course
- TME Experience Course
- TME Membership / TME +
- Connect Mastermind
- TME Mastermind (no longer offered)
- TRIBE Plus (no longer offered)
- TRIBE Connect (no longer offered)
Searchie is a separate company and is separately owned.
If you have any further questions you can contact our North Results Team at and for Searchie, please contact