What is the difference between The Membership Experience and Searchie?

Learn about what The Membership Experience Course and the Searchie software tool are.

The Membership Experience Course is an industry leading 6 module training course delivered over 8 weeks by Stu McLaren. In this course, Stu will walk you through all you need to know to build and scale a profitable online membership in your business.

Join Stu for the FREE LIVE WORKSHOP SERIES where you can learn how to start taking action before you decide if The Membership Experience Course is right for you. You’ll discover the proven strategy to launch (or grow) a successful online membership business.

Go to https://membershipworkshop.com/w1a to sign up for notifications.

Searchie is a revolutionary software tool that will help you create a world class learning experience for your members.

Searchie is hyper-focused on content delivery for paid digital products like courses, memberships, coaching programs, and more. It’s specifically designed to help your customers learn better, faster, and make more progress with what you teach.

One way we do that is through the power of Search. All your audio and video content is automatically transcribed, captioned, and entirely searchable by words spoken, meaning it’s more accessible and easier to consume.

Not only that, Searchie was designed with time-strapped content creators in mind. One of the biggest pain points of creating and selling a digital product is the “technical aspect” of setting it up. With Searchie, you can quickly create a beautiful content experience with no coding, no developers, and no HTML. Whether you use one of our many templates or start from scratch, it’s just fast and easy to build.

It’s designed to help your people learn better, faster and make more progress with what you're teaching.

Think of your site experience like a textbook to learn from. You highlight, fold corners of pages, add sticky notes so you can go back to important things and search the index for important keywords for topics you want to go deeper on.

You search for similar resources that might have different perspectives etc.

Searchie unlocks your content and takes  your user directly to the content that’s relevant to them using its video search functionality. It's all of those tools wrapped into one.

Think of it like flipping through an encyclopedia versus unlocking the world with GOOGLE!

With Searchie, you can tag information, make it searchable and provide it in different formats ie, transcripts just by virtue of adding it to your account.

So from a membership site owner perspective… it’s a no brainer. You can find out more about Searchie by going to: https://www.searchie.io/

To connect with the support team for The Membership Experience, you can email help@membership.site and to connect with the Searchie Team, you can reach them at help@searchie.io.