What if I don’t have an Audience yet?

In this article, learn if you can have success building a membership site business if you don’t have an audience.

First things first, you definitely need to Join us for the Free Membership Workshop series if you haven’t had a chance yet. You can register here: https://membershipworkshop.com


Here’s the deal. Stu is going to be doing a LIVE deep dive on some of the fundamental things you need to look into to help support the validity of your idea. The steps of building an audience will follow.


But first things first. Let’s put the work in early and find out if what you want to offer has the potential to be a viable business. We've had students with lots of success who are starting from scratch. We won't lie... It's a lot of work.


But let me ask you...


When's the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago? When's the next best time to plant a tree? TODAY. If you wait… what makes you think you won’t put it off again next year… or forever? Only you know the answer to this question.


There's no getting around the business of getting started. You have to lean into the fundamentals. Learn about the market you're interested in with the help of what Stu teaches in The Membership Experience.


If all signs point to yes, then you’ll have a clearer picture of exactly who you need to attract to your business so you can make your offer to an audience of the exact right potential clients.


As Stu says, "It may not be sexy, but it’s all about the fundamentals, my friend."


Make sure to soak in the replay for the workshop.


Make sure to register for The Membership Workshop and keep up with the sessions to keep your ideas moving forward!

Register now!

Don’t wait because it won’t be live for long!

For more questions and additional information, you can email our support team any time at help@membership.site and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!